Dhamma wheel

Pāḷi Tipiṭaka


This section contains the following:

Recommended Unicode fonts

Cyrillic - Please download and install the Doulos SIL font

Devanagari - Please download and install the CDAC-Surekh font

Khmer - Please download and install the Khmer Unicode Pack font

Myanmar - Please download and install the Padauk font

Sinhala - Please download and install these fonts: UN-Abhaya (normal), UN-Abhaya (bold) and UN-Samantha

Tibetan - Please install the Tibetan Machine Uni font

How to use the Tipitaka site

Click on the script of your choice - it will open up in a separate window

Click on the (+) sign in the left frame and the Tree will open up showing links to Books. Click further to navigate into each book, chapter and section.

When you click on the selected Section, that page will open in the right frame.

Text in [ Blue color fonts] indicates a foot note

Text in Bold indicates cross referencing in Atthakathas or Tikas or Anya with the Mul or otherwise

The following abbreviations are used to refer to different versions of the Tipitaka:

References to other Tipitaka versions are most often used where there are "variant readings", that is, where the text differs between versions. In the example below, the Sri Lankan, Thai and PTS editions have "vāssa" instead of "vā assa".

The following abbreviations are used within variant readings to refer to books of the Tipitaka or commentaries.